read moreThe majority of the parents we talk to are not eagerly looking to provide their children with a rich, self-directed learning environment. Sadly, most of the parents we talk to are trying to save their children from the trauma that is so…
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#A Jane Austen Education#Creative Schools#Educated#Education and the Significance of Life#Education Conversations#Emancipated Learning#Free to Learn#Hacking School Discipline#Jiddu Krishnamurti#Kirsten Olson#Laura Bush Community Library#Learning in Depth#Mindset#Opening Minds#Paulo Freire#Pedagogy of the Oppressed#Peter Gray#Raising a Screen-Smart Kid#Self-directed#Smart schooling#Sudbury Valley#Summerhill#The End of Average#The Gardener and the Carpenter#The Good Neighbor#The Self-Driven Child#The Years That Matter Most#Todd Rose#Troublemakers#Unconditional Parenting#Wounded by School