
Families who have the means to do so will choose where to send their kids to school (public or private) based on a variety of factors such as price, proximity to home, average class size, education philosophy, clubs and extracurricular activities, and…

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Dear Abrome Learners and families,  We published the first version of this contingency planning document on June 9, 2020. This document outlined our plan for how we could more safely be together during the pandemic, and allowed our community to have more…

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This past weekend we hosted a virtual information session and open house. Five families dropped in to learn about Abrome and Self-Directed Education, and one has already followed up with some admission specific questions. We were thrilled to have so many families…

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So much of Abrome’s approach to the year has been influenced by Covid-19 and the challenges of bringing people together safely in ways that don’t put the welfare of the members of our community at risk, and in ways that do not…

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This morning I received a call from a parent whose teenage son attends a nearby traditional private school that is not working for him, and she wanted to know if Abrome could work for her family. She had two primary concerns: (1)…

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