I stumbled upon an excellent twitter thread written by Melissa Hillman and it is so damn spot on that I am sharing it here in place of my daily blog post. About 30% of teachers (public and private) were over the age…
read moreOne of the most confusing things about the debate over how to reopen schools is that so few people are advocating that students spend their schooldays outdoors, and that so few schools (if any) are choosing to leave the schoolhouse behind. We…
read moreWith government and business interests pushing for a reopening of schools with insufficient safety precautions in the middle of an uncontrolled pandemic, many teachers are left wondering if teaching is worth risking their lives over. One poll suggests that 20% of teachers…
read moreThis week we rolled out a contingency planning document to help Learners and their families envision what Emancipated Learning will look like as we navigate through the challenges of Covid-19. The planning document details practices and protocols that Abrome is implementing that…
read moreIn the City of Austin, families were originally told that schools would be closed on March 13th. Then they were told that school would be cancelled until April 3rd. Then April 13th. And on Tuesday, Governor Greg Abbott ordered that all schools…
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