One of the biggest misconceptions people have about opting out of school is that one cannot get into college without a diploma from an accredited high school. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, for the great majority of people,…
read moreIt’s summertime! That means that over 50 million children are savoring three months of no school, free from the mandated learning that they were subjected to for the previous three months. While many children are celebrating three months without learning, at Abrome…
read moreExecutive functioning has become a popular term to help parents and educators come to terms with their continual failure to get children to perform to standard levels of performance or proficiency, either their own defined standards or global standards, despite the highest…
read moreAbrome is a play on the term Borromean rings which are most commonly depicted as three interlocking rings; however, no two rings are interlocked. Borromean rings therefore form the simplest example of a Brunnian link. Borromean rings serve as…
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